Bellingen Shire Council
The Bellingen Shire is currently home to 13,197 people (ABS Estimated Resident Population 2021), who come from many different countries and are involved in diverse occupational, cultural, and social activities.
Our Shire has three distinct geographical areas – ocean, river, and mountains incorporating the communities of Mylestom, Repton, and Urunga on the coast, Bellingen nestled in the river valley, and Dorrigo on the plateau. Each is a vibrant and rich community with its own characteristics.
Bellingen Shire has an abundance of natural assets. Some 57% of the Shire is State Forest (21.26%), National Parks (32.36%) and Crown land. This and our cultural attractions have created a thriving tourism industry with 264,000 visitors coming to our Shire each year spending a total of $78 million. Numerous festivals, ranging from jazz, classical and world music, to environmental, food and wine events, attract distinct audiences enhancing the social and economic fabric of the region.
Mayor, Steve Allan

General Manager, Mark Griffioen